Remote Learning & Resources

Dear Families,

I can’t begin to tell you how much it lifted my spirits seeing so many of you during the Chromebook pickup. It was a highlight of the last two weeks getting to wave at all of you as you drove by, and even chatting from a distance with some of you. I’m grateful we were able to distribute so many devices for families to use during this time. If you still need a chromebook, internet, or school supplies, please email me directly at . We want to be sure you have what you need to start classes April 7 .

Here is some information about virtual learning as we work to make this a fulfilling experience and opportunity for students and families.

Stedman and DPS’s virtual learning plan is anchored in our values of Diversity, Inclusion, Community and Equity, and has three main goals:

(1) Support continuous instruction
(2) Provide access to learning for all Stedman Knights
(3) Maintain and build connections and caring within our community

What can families expect?

  • Home-School communication via the virtual classroom – you will hear from your teacher about the best form of communication
  • Weekly Learning Overviews with office hours posted every Monday morning – overviews will help you get an idea of what to expect for the week.
  • Daily Schedule with activities and assignments to complete every week. See optional and general grade level activities and schedules here.
  • Attendance – Your student will log into his/her virtual classroom daily (which will be monitored by his/her teacher).

Remote Learning Expectations for Teachers and Students

Teachers will use Seesaw or Google Classroom to:
  • Post a weekly overview and communication Monday by 8:00 am.
  • Provide daily activities in Literacy and Math.
  • Assign homework on Friday that represents the week’s learning and provide individual feedback.
  • Hold daily office hours and communicate live with individual students and groups once or more per week.
  • If your student is receiving special services, these will continue during this time.

Students will (with family support as needed):

  • Join the virtual classroom – Teacher will invite students via email. If you need support with joining, start here: Google Classroom Help
  • Log in daily to their Google or Seesaw classroom
  • Work on posted activities and assignments.
  • Participate in office hours for questions and clarifications.
  • Participate in virtual groups or meetings as assigned.
  • Treat their Chromebook with care.

Chromebook Expectations and Agreement

  • All students and parents in grades 2-5 signed the technology agreement at the beginning of the year. These same rules apply now and they also apply to all kindergarten and 1st grade students. Attached is that agreement for your review.
  • Use the Chromebook respectfully: No food or drink around it, carry it with both hands, do not allow other family members to use your Chromebook. Families are financially responsible for damaged Chromebooks. For tech assistance, please contact your teacher or email or call 720-423-3163.

Our priority as a community is to ensure that each student is provided with rigorous learning opportunities and well prepared for college and beyond. We are here to support each other at this unique time. Together we’ll demonstrate the resilience of our Stedman learning community, and empower students to be flexible, and create and find their own learning opportunities when faced with change and adversity.

Thank you for your support as we experience this journey together.

Love you all!


Michael Atkins


Estimadas Familias,

No les puedo decir cuánto me animó verles cuando vinieron a recojer sus “Chromebooks”. Saludarles y conversar (de lejos) era el punto culminante de estas últimas dos semanas. Me alegro que pudimos distribuir tantas computadoras para usar durante esta temporada. Si todavía necesita un “Chromebook”, internet o suministros escolares para que su/s estudiante/s hagan clases y tareas en casa, por favor, mándame un email al . Aseguraremos que tengan todo lo necesario para comenzar las clases el 7 de Abril .
Aquí viene información sobre el aprendizaje virtual. Haremos todo lo posible para que sea una experiencia y oportunidad beneficiosa para estudiantes y familias.
El plan de aprendizaje virtual de Stedman y DPS está basada en nuestros valores de Diversidad, Inclusión, Comunidad y Equidad y tiene trés metas:
(1) Apoyar la instrucción continua
(2) Dar acceso al aprendizaje para todos los “Stedman Knights”
(3) Mantener y crear conexiones y cariño entre nuestra comunidad
¡Qué pueden esperar las familias? 
  • Comunicación escuela-hogar por medio del salón virtual
  • Cada lunes – El plan semanal de aprendizaje y horas de oficina cuando los maestros estarán disponibles
  • Horario – Actividades y tareas para terminar cada semana y una tarea el viernes. Adicionalmente hay actividades opcionales y horarios ejemplares por cada grado:
  • Asistencia – Los estudiantes entran diario al salón virtual.
La expectativas del aprendizaje virtual para maestros y estudiantes
Los maestros usarán Seesaw o Google Classroom para la clase virtual. Ellos van a: 
  • Poner un plan semanal y comunicación cada lunes antes de las 8:00 am.
  • Dar actividades diarias en lectura y matemáticas.
  • Asignar tarea el viernes que representa el aprendizaje de la semana y después dar comentarios individuales.
  • Reservar una hora de oficina diaria y comunicarse en vivo con estudiantes en grupo o individualmente durante la semana.
  • Si su estudiante recibe servicios específicas, los servicios continuarán virtualmente.
Los estudiantes van a (con el apoyo familiar si necesitan): 
  • Juntarse al salón virtual: Maestros/as invitarán los estudiantes por email. Si necesita apoyo, comienza aquí: Google Classroom Help
  • Asistir a clase: Entrar diariamente en Seesaw o Google Classroom
  • Trabajar en las actividades y tareas del día/semana.
  • Participar en grupos virtuales o reuniones con la maestra y/o compañeros de clase.
  • Comunicarse con la maestra/o en horas de oficina para clarificar y hacer preguntas.
  • Tratarán la computadora “Chromebook” con cuidado.
Las expectativas y acuerdos del Chromebook 
  • Todos los estudiantes y familias en grados 2-5 ya firmaron el acuerdo de tecnología al comienzo del año escolar. Estas mismas reglas se aplica ahora y a todos los estudiantes K-5. Para ver el acuerdo haz click aquí:  review.
  • Traten la computadora con cuidado y respeto. Ni come ni bebe cerca de ella. Llevalo con dos manos, no deje que lo usen otros miembros de la familia. Las familias son responsables por computadoras rotas por descuido. Para asistencia de tecnología, habla con su maestro/a o mande email a or call 720-423-3163.
Nuestra prioridad como comunidad es asegurar que cada estudiante tenga enseñanza rigurosas y esté preparado/a para la universidad y más allá. Estamos aquí para apoyarnos en esta temporada única. Juntos mostraremos la resiliencia de nuestra comunidad Stedman y empoderamos a los estudiantes a ser flexibles, y encontrar y crear sus propias oportunidades de aprendizaje cuando se enfrentan con cambio y adversidad.
Gracias por todo su apoyo mientras tenemos esta experiencia y caminamos este nuevo camino juntos.
¡Con amor y cariño a todos!
Michael Atkins



Starting on Monday, Apr. 6, Denver Public Schools is adding 12 new locations throughout the city where families can pick up grab-and-go breakfast and lunch meals, as well as food to take home on Fridays for the weekend. Visit one of our 24 pickup locations Monday through Friday from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. to pick up meals for kids and adults. Vegetarian options are available.

On Tuesday, Apr. 7, DPS will also be launching a new, enhanced meal delivery program. Every weekday at designated times, meals will be delivered to 36 school and community locations throughout the city using yellow school buses. See delivery schedule and locations for the new meal delivery program here.

Please note: The current stay-at-home order does not affect the Emergency Meals program. Students do not need to be present for adults to pick up meals.

Visit for more details, including grab-and-go pickup locations and the new meal delivery schedule

**If you are in need of additional support or resources not listed here, please contact our Family Liaison at or 303-242-6414.