School Hours:

Office hours are 8:00 – 4:00 daily.
2022/23: Student hours are 8:55am – 3:55pm*

Phone and Fax Numbers:
Main School number: 720.424.3800
Fax: 720.424.3825

Pick up/Drop Off Policy:
K-5 Students may be dropped off between 8:40am-8:55am on the playground in the back of the school. Students must be picked up at 3:55p.m. All guests wishing to enter the building must do so through the front door, so that they can check-in.

ECE Students must be signed in and out at the start and end of every day.

*Free Breakfast Daily*


We believe all students should feel safe when they arrive at school. We have breakfast in the classrooms after the bell. Our K-5 Students may arrive at school at 8:40 am when adult supervision will begin.  Students who arrive at 8:40 am on designated indoor days will be supervised in the auditorium. The first bell will ring at 8:55 am. At that time students will line up in their designated class meeting spot and be ready to enter the building to start learning. ECE students and parents will enter from the parking lot door and sign students in at their classrooms at 8:55 am daily. There is no before school recess for ECE students.


We believe all students should feel safe as they depart from school. We also believe that all teachers and staff should be relieved of student supervision by their end time of 4:10pm. All dismissal procedures and student departures from campus must be complete no later than 4:10pm. Teachers are on duty supervising students from 3:55-4:05 daily. Conversations with the teacher should be scheduled for another time.
Teachers will walk their classes out at the end of each day, delivering bus riders to the bus, after-school program students to the cafeteria, walkers to the northeast campus gate (closest to the cafeteria) and pick-up students to the east playground gate.Siblings will meet each other at designated meeting places. Older students will not be released to pick up younger students other than at the designated meeting place.


We hold high expectations for student attendance at Stedman, as regular attendance contributes to the academic success of all our students. At Stedman, we track attendance data. Supporting positive attendance and arrival habits will be a part of the MTSS process this year. As a result, students with a pattern of late arrival or absences will be referred to MTSS and a team of support staff will determine an intervention to support the child in getting to school on time daily.  Families of students who have repeated tardies or absences will be contacted by teachers, the school psychologist or the principal to communicate the intervention to support the student’s success in school.

In case of student illness, parents/guardians must call the ATTENDANCE LINE at 720-424-3830 between the hours of 7:00 am and 9:00 am to report the absence.   If a call has not been made to the attendance line, parents of absent students will be called by the school on the day of the absence.
If parents wish for a student to be excused from gym or kept in during playground activity, the he/she must have a note from the physician.  This will be cleared through the school nurse.  If parents need to take their student out of school during the day, they must come to the front office to sign the student out.  Students who come late to school must be accompanied by a parent/guardian as they report to the office where the parent/guardian will sign them in before going to the classroom. The office will provide the student with a pass to class.


Birthdays are celebrated the last hour of the day on the last Friday of every month. Please speak to your student’s teacher if you would like to arrange to bring in birthday treats.


It is the parent’s/guardian’s responsibility to extend full cooperation in seeing that students obey the bus regulations and practices all recommended safety procedures. We hold the same high expectations for positive behavior on the school bus as we do on campus for all students. At the beginning of the school year, parents and students are responsible for familiarizing themselves with bus routes, rules and regulations.  Students may only ride their assigned bus.  Please remember that the bus driver, as well as the transportation department, may take away this privilege if safety or discipline becomes an issue.

Cell Phones

We understand that some students must bring cell phones to school as a method of communicating with family members outside of school hours. As the number of students carrying cell phones increases, so does the potential for lost or stolen phones. In order to maintain the integrity of the learning environment and secure storage of students’ personal items, students must check cell phones in and out with the classroom teacher each day. The teacher will collect cell phones at the beginning of the day, store them in a sealed plastic box locked in their cabinet and return them at the end of the day. Students must have parent permission to bring a cell phone to school to check it in with their teacher. Permission is granted by signing the Student Cell Phone Permission form. If a student does not have a signed permission form or takes out a cell phone during school hours, the student’s teacher will collect the phone and the parent must come to school to pick it up. Parents wishing to contact their student must relay a message through the main office. All student phone calls to parents/guardians require teacher/staff permission.



  • Tennis shoes recommended
  • No flip flops
  • No slippers
  • No heels
  • Sneakers must be worn for PE

Fridays are Spirit Days. Stedman T-shirts on top encouraged!


See HERE for information about our partnership with Leading Edge, available ECE-5th grade!


-Please write your name on clothing and personal items you bring to school. Taking some time to do it now may save you the cost of buying replacements. Small, lost items are kept in the office until their owners claim them. Large items, such as clothing, are stored in the cafeteria. Periodically during the year, unclaimed clothing will be donated to a local charity.


On stormy weather days, parents should use their own judgment as to whether or not to send their children to school. Regardless of the weather, school will be in session unless a school closing announcement is made on the radio, television, or social media. School closure information will be available first on radio stations KHOW-AM (630) and KSYY-FM (95.7) since they begin operating at 3 a.m. Also, check the DPS website: www.dpsk12.org

DPS may put Stedman on a delayed start pending weather conditions. On delayed start days, classes begin 2 hours late. If school is in session and a storm develops during the day, a decision may be made to send students home early. Parents should make prior arrangements so that their children will have a place to go if there is no one home on early storm release days. The decision to close schools is made by the Superintendent of the Denver Public Schools.