SchoolChoice Updates – 4/2

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**UPDATE: Tuesday, April 2**
Dear Families,
Thank you for your patience as we’ve worked with the SchoolChoice Office to address issues with our enrollment lists. We recognize the Choice process can certainly be frustrating and extremely complex.
First, we want to make it clear that if your child previously received a seat at Stedman, your child still has a seat at Stedman.
This year, our leadership and school community worked tirelessly to identify school enrollment priorities that align with our values of community, diversity, and inclusion to continue building the best community school possible. In Round 1, the Choice System’s ability to meet our requested priorities was not as successful as we would have liked. We continue to work closely with the Choice Office to try and correct that.
As many of you may know, Round 2 of Choice opens tomorrow morning at 8am, and waitlists will continue to fluctuate as enrollment priorities are calculated for new applications. Across all District schools, waitlists regularly shift in a dynamic way as enrollment priorities are taken into account. These lists are determined at the District level, and we will continue to monitor our waitlists to make sure they reflect our priorities as best we can.
While our current lists (as of tonight) have been updated to reflect our work with the Choice Office, we know these lists will continue to change as individuals participate in Round 2 of Choice. At this time, we will only be adding students to ECE classrooms as seats are declined or vacated. We are still working to firm up our class sizes in Kindergarten and will admit students as space allows. For those on our waitlists, please continue to monitor your emails and texts for offers of seats and be sure to respond in a timely manner or offers may be canceled.
We appreciate your continued interest in Stedman and your patience throughout this process. This experience has been a testament to our community’s core values, and we truly are a Community Growing Together!
Greta Martinez, Principal
Michael Atkins, Principal Resident
Ali Larson, Family Services Liaison and PTA President
Andrew Lefkowits, CSC Chairperson
March 21, 2019
Dear Families,
We have discovered some issues with placements from the SchoolChoice Office for current and prospective Stedman families. We recognize how difficult and frustrating this process can be, and we are working with the Choice office to resolve these issues. Please be patient and know that we do not consider these results to be finalized yet – we expect to have a more accurate Choice list after Spring Break. We appreciate your patience and understanding, and we recognize how much anxiety this process can cause. We’ve appreciated hearing from you and are doing what we can to alleviate the stress of uncertainty.
Thank you for ranking Stedman on your Choice applications for the coming school year. We will be in touch soon!
Greta Martinez, Principal
Michael Atkins, Principal Resident
Ali Larson, Family Services Liaison and PTA President
Andrew Lefkowits, CSC Chairperson