Dual Language Spanish Immersion

Stedman Elementary is now offering the choice of Spanish Immersion for English-speaking and Spanish-speaking students in ECE4 through 5th Grade in 2020-2021. The instructional model and curriculum are aligned in our English and Spanish classrooms. Stedman will follow the DPS Language Allocation Guidelines. Kindergarten instruction in the Spanish classroom will be 90% Spanish and 10% English. First grade instruction in the Spanish classroom will be 80% Spanish and 20% English. (We will continue to offer English classrooms at each grade level for students who do not wish to participate in a Spanish classroom.)

For those who have never spent time learning in Spanish, we recommend that the latest they start the immersion program is 1st grade. Exceptions can be made on a case-by-case basis.

Current Spanish Immersion Offerings (2020/2021): ECE-4 (full day), Kindergarten, 1st Grade, 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade, 4th Grade, 5th Grade (assessment required if entering in 2nd grade or later).

We look forward to welcoming your family to Stedman. Make Stedman your FIRST CHOICE today!

FAQs about Dual Language Education are HERE.